This is it. The third episode. We recorded this one at like, 12am. Truly the mark of quality. A masterclass in podcasting. No doubt, you will look back at this episode one day in the distant future and say, gee that was a good episode. Was it? I don’t know. Memory is a foggy thing. One day down the road, you’ll think, “was it good?” You won’t remember your children’s names. You parents faces will be a blur of flesh. But our voices will be there, the words undiscernible. But you’ll know its us, and you’ll think, “It was good.”
Doge Coin Buys 3D Printer. Also, Vaccine Flu.
This is actually episode 3. Episode 2 was really really good. But we lost it. But thats maybe for the best, because from your perspective, this episode is better than episode 1. But you didn’t see the real episode 2, which would make episode 3 pale in comparison. Consider yourselves lucky that you don’t have to feel the disappoint of listening to episode 2 and than episode 3, and instead can stay on a steady track of improvement that is the released, episode 1 and 2.